Friday, October 1, 2010

The 30-Day Food Challenge - A Cooperative Blogging Effort

This image is of a poster from the Depression, published by the U.S. Food Administration to encourage responsible eating during tough times.  These days, with so much overabundance and over-consumption, it's not a bad idea to return to the ideals embodied by the hard times endured by our grandparents and great-grandparents. 

A friend pointed me in the direction of a blog called Living On This Farm the other day.  The author, Lisa, is a self described "former restaurateur from Seattle who was abducted by aliens and placed on a farm in rural Oklahoma."  (That part made me giggle.)  She has issued a fun but meaningful challenge to her blog's readers to adhere to the 6 tenets of the poster pictured above for 30 days.   

My husband and I have had several recent discussions on the merits of locavorism, the practice of eating locally grown and produced foods whenever  possible.  I'm committing to join Lisa in her challenge and finally make the leap to buying food locally.

I'm hoping to join the Oklahoma Food Cooperative this weekend and start shopping online for anything that tickles my culinary fancy.  I've already mentally chosen free-range eggs, potatoes, spinach, and cherry tomatoes.  The list goes on.

I'm super excited and I hope you'll join us in this effort to eat in a way that nourishes our bodies, our state, and our community.


makentime said...

I look very forward to following your journey over the next 30 days. You will post won't ya? Please??? :)

Lisa said...

Thanks for cross posting! great blog by the way!!

Shelley Parker Chandler said...

I will be interested in your meal planning. We are switching to mostly fish and chicken, as hubby decided to go on a diet. Pork and beef are on the almost-off-limits list. :( I dislike fish immensely, so this will be challenging just by itself.

The Errant Cook said...

Shelley, unfortunately, reducing meat consumption will only be part of the plan as far as my own weekday lunches go, but fortunately, that includes my daughter's lunches too.

My husband is a die-hard carnivore, and his only voluntarily meatless meal in the 11 years I've known him is a recent penchant for pizza with tomatoes and mushrooms.

But I think that there are still a lot of ways in which I can adhere to the guidelines set down in Lisa's blog.